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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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At Brillante Early Learning Center, we believe in the potential of STEAM learning to empower children and families while also recognizing the interdisciplinary and social nature of learning and development in early childhood. Our curriculum is emergent, meaning that rather than following a set of themes, units, or manuals, we develop our curriculum based on the interests, joys, and needs of our students. When children leave Brillante Early Learning Center, they will be ready for success in Kindergarten and beyond.

We are influenced by the early childhood schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, research in the field of neuroscience, and constructivist practice. Our curriculum is guided by our core values and the following shared understandings and practices:

  • Children come to school full of wisdom and experience, ready to use their creativity, curiosity, and imaginations to make meaning of their lives and the world around them.
  • Children, families, educators, and community members bring strength and local wisdom that contribute to rich environments and meaningful learning experiences.
  • Learning is made visible in many ways, and children use words, drawing, numbers, painting, sculpture, music, and more to express what they know, understand, wonder, and feel. Educators value documentation to explore, demonstrate, and understand children’s learning experiences, processes, and outcomes.
  • Children learn through their curiosity and open-ended exploration with a materials-rich curriculum, focused on STEAM, literacy, and the natural world. Children develop through interaction and relationships with other people, ideas, objects, and symbols. 
  • Educators engage in collaborative reflection, discussion, and dialogue, based on observation of children at play and exploration. Ongoing professional development for teachers and pre-service teachers is embedded into the school ecosystem, in partnership with higher education institutions.
  • Children and adults collaborate as researchers and co-creators of learning.
  • Family participation in the life of the school is essential and takes many forms. Families bring vitality and richness by contributing diverse life experiences and wisdom.